Monday, October 1, 2007

Swahili Greetings (Jambo ain't no way to go)

pronunciation: a like in all you can eat, i like eeek a mouse! u as in you are too kind. oo as in oh know, i drank the water

People your age or below: Habari (news? what's up). Variations include inquiring about home or the day or school: Habari za nyumbani, habari za leo, habari za shule...ect. All of which you reply with Nzuri (good) even if its the worst day ever. If its a really really bad day, you reply with Nzuri tu (just good) and people are like "who died?"

People older/repectful greets: Shikamoo (your feet in my hands literally) to which Marahaba is replied

For teenagers: Mambo ('sup) to which you reply Poa (cool) or safi (clean)

There are tons of others, most of which I just reply with nzuri, asante! (good, thanks) and only sometimes do I sound like I know what I'm talking about....

safi? now you can sound smart at all those dinner parties!

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